Welcome to our
Catholic Schools Network
The Cape Town Catholic Schools’ Office serves 38 schools in the Archdiocese of Cape Town as well as the Diocese of Oudtshoorn. Our network is comprised of a variety of different types of schools. The vast majority of our schools are primary public schools on private property (PSPPs). We also have six secondary schools, a number of independent schools and schools that cater for children who are differently abled
Our website contains a page on each of these schools as well as a links to their specific websites.
The distinctive nature of Catholic education
Catholic education has a rich and long legacy in our region. Most of our schools were founded, many decades ago, by missionary congregations of courageous religious sisters and brothers who were inspired to transform the world through quality education. Today, our schools are largely managed and governed by lay people but enormous time and energy has been invested in ‘passing on the flame’ of Catholic Education.
The Catholic Board of Education conducts oversight of our schools and ensures that the founding vision is honoured.Catholic education is rooted in the premise that a child is created in the image of God and is deserving of ‘life in abundance’ that was promised by our Lord. To this end, the Catholic school espouses to educate holistically – mind, body and spirit. A special emphasis is placed on Pastoral Care and Religious Education. Our schools embrace children and teachers from all religious and cultural backgrounds and seek to deepen their awareness of the Divine in their lives.
Services offered by the Catholic Schools Office
Leadership and Governance courses, workshops, seminars and conferences
Advisory and liaison services
Maintenance of Property support
Owner support
School Management Team support and School Governing Body support
Ethos and Religious Education courses, workshops, seminars and conferences
Catholic Schools Office Staff

Catholic Board of Education Members

CSF Members