HOLY CROSS rc primary district six
Holy Cross School was known as Holy Cross Mission in the early days and was the first Coloured School in the Cape. The school opened on the 24th of January 1910 after four sisters set out from the Transkei to start a coloured mission here in Cape Town.
Until 1920 when free education was introduced, the Sisters charged fees of one penny per week in the lower classes and 4 pence from standard four up. In 1918 a room from the neighbouring house was hired to accommodate the standard five and six learners. The number of learners increased progressively so that in 1933 a new building had to be erected. Imagine this: one hundred and one standard three pupils, fifty-nine
boys squeezed into the passage; thirty-six girls into the Principal’s office, the lower classes were in the Sisters’ Chapel, with the sanctuary screened off by a curtain.
In 1935 overcrowding was once again experienced. In 1939 a new school was opened for Sub-Standards A and B and Standard Two pupils. Finally, in 1959 a second storey was built above the then new Parish Center to provide six badly needed classrooms. The number on the roll had risen to over 700 and by 1969 it increased to 890 learners.
District Six was a growing Coloured Community living on properties which were mainly owned by Whites. This led to the displacement and resettlement of many Coloured people. In 1964 houses were demolished and the great trek to the sandy wastelands of the Cape Flats began. In 1975 the District was rezoned, but the damage was done. Today we remember not only the suffering inflicted upon us, but the fruits that were reaped in spite of it!
We produced priests, religious brothers and sisters, the Rector of the University of the Western Cape, Mr Brian O Connell, ex-Mayor of Cape Town, Ms Theresa Solomons, Principals throughout South Africa, outstanding Educators, Singers, Actors, Musicians, Lawyers, Doctors, Nurses, good husbands, wives and families.

Nile Street
Nile Street