HOLY CROSS sister's school bellville
Welcome to a Unique Family School with a Special Character. As a Catholic Christian School, we, at Holy Cross are committed to teaching with gospel values. Faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is love. Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous, conceited or proud. Love is gentle and peaceful. This atmosphere permeates through the corridors of our school. We are a second home to all who sets foot here.
We rejoice in the great advances our young democracy has made but acknowledge with pain that our country remain in need of healing. We are called to the need for justice, solidarity and the affirmation of the dignity of all,
especially the "little ones". With boldness, we continue to proclaim Jesus' way of love, compassion, solidarity, forgiveness and service. We strive to be a community of care where each person's worth is nurtured.
Our school was founded by courageous, committed and righteous women of the order of the Holy Cross Sisters who sacrificed their families and their lives for our community. This is our foundation, built on a solid rock, not in self-interest but in the interest of the common good. It is with great humility and pride that we walk on these grounds.
Sports: Athletics, Cricket, Tennis, Soccer, Netball, Hockey
Culture: Music - Piano, Recorder & Orchestra, Choir
Private Service Providers: Karate, Play Ball, Gymfants, Ballet, Mozart Mouse (music for pre-schoolers), Guitar, Hip Hop, Fine Art, Pottery

Principal: Leigh-Ann Mouton
Phone: 021 919 4734
Fax: 021 919 8263
Email: admin@holycross.co.za
Website: http://www.holycross.co.za/
Bloemhof Street, Bellville
Bloemhof Street, Bellville