st. agnes primARY SCHOOL
St Agnes Primary School caters for learners from across the socio-economic spectrum. We have learners from the surrounding areas, the townships, Nazareth House – a home for HIV/AIDS children, Ons Plek – a shelter for street children and a large number of refugees from different African countries. The majority of these parents are unable to contribute financially towards school fees, but no-one is refused admission to the school. Unemployment, drug abuse, gangsterism and a decline in moral values are an enormous challenge, but we are devoted to Catholic education and are supported in our mission by a well-qualified and dedicated group of educators.
St. Agnes Primary is committed to developing the potential of every learner in a Catholic environment so that they can make a meaningful contribution to this community in the spirit of ‘ubuntu’. The school strives towards total commitment to excellence through our teaching practice and empathizing with our school community through Pastoral Care.
The school aims to transform the whole person, to develop our learners so that they can use their gifts and skills to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives of service and love, and to enrich their lives through their liturgical and sacramental experience of God which leads to a mature, personal relationship with God
Extra-murals: Soul Buddyz, others

Principal: Elesia Kolbe
Phone: 021 447 2839
Fax: None
Email: letitia.adriaans@wcgschiils.gov.za
Website: www.stagnesps.co.za
13 Dublin Street
Cape Town
Western Cape
South Africa
PO Box 451
Salt River