st. theresa's rc primary school
The school and church were founded on the 3rd of October, 1935, the feast day of St Theresa, the Little Flower. Initially, the church building was used as the same venue for classes, and was cleaned for mass and rearranged as a classroom on Mondays. Sister Brigid, later known as Sister Vera Marie, was the first principal and was joined by two founding educators and four learners. After 1945 the school received a grant from the government and also received a free feeding scheme. The school grew with the help of Father Alban and we were very proud to introduce our first ‘coloured’ principal, Sister Alphons Padua in 1953.
The school continued to grow and by 1969 the school was so overcrowded that Sister Mary Agnes had to let 500 learners and educators go to Vanguard Primary, however they all returned the very next day. More classrooms, as well as kindergarten classes, were built to accommodate the growing number
of learners from the surrounding areas. In 1977 the late Bishop Naidoo requested that we take on 85 black learners due to riots and burning in Nyanga. In 1985 we ended Afrikaans medium classes which resulted in a loss of many learners. The Department’s Rationalisation Policy also led to an exodus of educators.
A governing body was established in 1995 and this decade also saw the introduction of Outcomes Based Education and Continuous Evaluation of learner’s progress. The school also established an Educator Support Team to help learners with learning challenges. Our educators are also trained as counsellors to deal with the various social and emotional problems faced by our learners.
We encourage our learners to participate in sport, even though they are not always enthusiastic and we aim to assist learners in dealing with current problems such as HIV/AIDs, poverty and drugs. We are also proud of our Annual Bazaar which includes a Food Fair and cultural concert. Students look forward to participating in this event.

4th Street,
Welcome Estate
4th Street,
Welcome Estate